The Fearful Mind – Episode 2

Have you ever wondered why fear arises in the mind? I know it is not easy to contemplate the roots of unpleasant emotions as it requires a lot of Practice, a Courageous and Compassionate Heart.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to look at my fears deeply and thanks to that, I am able to understand certain aspects of myself.

I will try to write in this series of posts (episode 1 is here) what I have observed so far. Let’s dive in.

#2 Fear as a sign of unhealthy attachment

I know it is very easy to get attached to things/persons that bring happiness in our lives. However, when this attachment gets so intensified to an extent that we constantly fear losing what we possess. I know it is a relatable feeling what I’m talking of. When we long for something, we remain restless and when we get to experience what we longed for, we begin to be afraid of losing it. Poor us!

In Truth, Happiness is our true nature and it is a pure ‘internal’ thing and does not depend on our life circumstances. This realization will already liberate us from suffering of three kinds – Longing, Anxiety, and Lamentation.

#2 Exercise:

a) Appreciate what you have in your life ‘right now’, by expressing gratitude, for example.

b) Accept that we will have to leave everything we possess at certain point in ‘time’ – okay, maybe it is sad but the bright side is that – this acceptance will help us live our lives more present and joyous.

What else can you suggest someone to let go of their attachments? Let me know in the comments.

Have a blessed day! 🙂

11 responses to “The Fearful Mind – Episode 2”

  1. Krishna!

    Thank you very much, I’m happy to receive such recognition.
    I’ll answer those 11 questions in the comment section of your post but I think I’ll skip the nomination part as I still am relatively new to this site! 🙂 Thank you again!

    Much Love,


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